Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Retail Install Boot-132 Method

Download: SnowBoot v1.1.iso
Step 1: Make sure you have your copy of Snow Leopard (I would highly suggest purchasing it, it’s a great price for what it offers!)
Step 2: Download SnowBoot v1.1.iso and burn it to a CD.
Step 3: Put the burned boot cd into your cd-drive and on startup at the “DELL” splash screen press “F12″ now you will be at the boot selection menu, from here wait till your activity light on your cd-drive stops blinking and boot from the disc.
Step 4: Eject the boot-132 disk and replace it with your Snow Leopard Disc and again, wait till the activity light stops blinking. Once it has stopped press “F5″ and the Install Disk will appear. Boot the disc by pressing enter. The disc will take about 5-10 min to load.
Step 5: Once in the install disk go to “Tools” from the menu bar and choose “Disk Utility.” Once you’ve gotten into the Disk Utility you have to select your hard drive and click on the partition tab and under the Volume Scheme choose 1 Partition and click “Options” and choose GPT. From this tab choose “Mac OS Extended (Journaled)” and name it Macintosh HD and click apply.
Step 6: Close Disk Utility and go through the Installer. After it is done restart and again press “F12″ and boot from the Boot-132 disc, this time select the Macintosh HD partition and again boot by pressing enter.
Step 7: Download Mac OS X 10.6.6 by clicking the following link and proceed to install it. Mac OS X v10.6.6 Update. Once you’ve done that you an restart and boot into the partition again following the same method used above. Boot into the partition using the same method that you did in Step 6.
Step 8: Now that you’ve booted into your partition open “My Boot CD” from the desktop. Navigate to the Post-Intall folder located in “My Boot CD/Extra/Post-Install” and double-click “Chameleon 2 RC3″ After this go back to the Post-Install folder and highlight “Extra” and copy the folder.. After you have copied “Extra” from the Post-Install folder open up your “Macintosh HD” and paste “Extra” by right-clicking and pressing Paste Item.
Step 9: Now Open up the Applications folder from the Post-Install folder and open “Kext Helper” now go to “Local Extensions” and Kext Helper all the files in there. (For more information on how to use Kext Helper click here.)
Step 10: Navigate back to the “Post-Install” folder and double-click the “10.6.2 – AppleHDA Installer” and follow the prompt.
Step 11: Go to “System Preferences” click “Security” then click the little lock in the bottom corner. Now uncheck “Use secure virtual memory.”
Step 12: Open up Terminal Located in “Applications/Utilities” and run the following commands one by one:
sudo -s
pmset -a hibernatemode 0
rm /private/var/vm/sleepimage
mkdir /BackupPreferencePanes
cp -R /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Trackpad.prefPane /BackupPreferencePanes
rm -rf /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Trackpad.prefPane
cp -R /Volumes/My\ Boot\ CD/Extra/Post-Install/PrefPane/Trackpad.prefPane /System/Library/PreferencePanes/
Step 13: Restart and at this point you should be all done and updated to Snow Leopard 10.6.6. As new updates come out you should visit below where I will be updating a link on how to upgrade.
Step 14: Feel free to donate anything. Any amount is helpful.
